OK world - first of many pointless posts is this.
I have often been told by my friends that I should have a blog - mostly because they are so fashionable - and I am not - and perhaps the marriage of two so opposite would result in something especially new and spectacular.
I have much doubt in this assertion - but then my intuition has almost always steered me wrong.
As an example - why would I decide that the photo to accompany my first post should be an arctic octopus? It really seems rather irrelevant.
But yet I love it so.
My dear octopus poses so prettily - it is fantastic.
Though what we see as photogenic participation in this shot is actually the poor dear gearing up to push as far away from that damnedable flashing camera gadget as it can - and who could blame it? This is a picture in a series of shots from a newly exposed ecosystem in Antarctica. The previously protective ice shelf is no more thanks to changes in the warming patterns of the planet. Damn planet - always thinking only of itself - totally disregarding the consequences of its actions. Perhaps some day it will realize the selfishness of it's ways . . . . one can only hope.
I honestly do love this picture though - I think it is beautiful - and deserving of its placement in this my first of many perhaps thoroughly pointless and boring blogs.
I have truly become a complete being - a hoity-toity player in the grand cosmic scheme - for now I have decided that my ramblings require recording.
I blog therefore I am.
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