Monday, June 23, 2008


Wow. If there was ever a comedian who had a lasting effect on me - it has to be George Carlin.
I mean, there have been others that I have loved, that have made me laugh with the deepest sincerity, but here is the man who taught me sarcasm - a skill without which I would never have made it through my thirty-odd years.

I will miss him.

"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

"Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."

George Carlin 1937-2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I admit . . . .

Recently I have been slightly less busy - and as a result I have been surfing the interweb like there's no tomorrow.
I send so many "News Tips" to Geekologie that I should have a t-shirt or something by now for all that difficult link clicking that I have been doing (only during non-working hours of course).
I should really be doing stuff that needs to be done, not playing Peggle and clicking mindlessly through the Shorpy archives.
I will change. I promise.
I will even start blogging more - like a good blogger should.
I might even go grocery shopping for more than just milk and Oreos.
I hear protein and vitamin C are beneficial. I think I might give them a go.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I've been so freaking busy lately - I need to sleep for about 500 years.
Wow. That sounds awesome.
I think I will start right now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

My name is Melissa, and I am a Woot-aholic.

I have a problem.
I am addicted to Woot.
Admitting the problem is a great start - but with something as spectacular as a Woot-Off occurs - as it is today - I have no strength of resolve.
I am very likely to buy something -
and it will be cool -
and it will be cheap.
From Wikipedia:
Woot's tagline is "One Day, One Deal." Generally, Woot offers one product per day until its stock of that item is sold out or the product is replaced at midnight Central Time with the next offering. If a product sells out during its run, the next item still does not appear until midnight, except during Woot-Offs. Products are never announced beforehand and can easily sell out in a few hours or even minutes.
They also have sister sites for wine and tshirts. The tshirts are winning designs entered into woot contest and voted on by woot's online community. Awesome.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Freecycle, baby!! Just do it!!!

"The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,238 groups with 4,455,000 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free. "

It may be my latent hippie tendencies talkin' here, but wow, I think this Freecycling thing is the coolest.

I have tons of crap I don't want anymore. Yet I yearn for more crap.

Freecycling is the answer to all my problems - especially because there is this element of "winning" the item - it's first come / first serve.

I like to feel like a winner. Those moments are few and far between.

I have a crapload of kids books, an extra set of plates and bowls and some cd racks (perfect example of an object that has lost its appeal - thanks mp3s!!) and they are all going to make their way to Freecycle.

I just found out about this thing Monday and already I got a flute out of the deal. And I'm waiting to find out if I was first to ask for the cast-iron chicken fryer with a glass lid.

I really need a cast-iron chicken fryer. I didn't know that about myself until this morning - but thanks to Freecycle my need for a cast-iron chicken fryer has become abundantly clear - like the accompanying glass lid.

If you are interested - just google freecycle - there are lots of groups all over the country.

Heck - they are even doing it in Canada - its just that good.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Whistling should be outlawed in the workplace

Just as smoking in public places is frowned upon - I believe whistling with total disregard to those around you should be punishable by fine.

It may be that I woke up 2 hours early to get to work for product testing - or maybe that my monthly cycle has hit its hormonal stretch - I can't be sure - but if this guy doesn't stop whistling the same six notes from the chorus of his favorite top 40 song - I will have to kill him.

I wish I were joking.

I also wish I were home in bed watching bad daytime television - but then I have a tendency to aim high when it comes to personal goals.

I'll just screw around on the net until lunch time.

That's an attainable goal.

Great - he's moved on to nursery rhymes. Please kill me.

It looks like someone else feels the same way I do - although if this were my cartoon there would be a lot more carnage.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lily Munster was a hottie . . .

As a child I did so love the Munsters. Halloween fun celebrated in hues of silver and black on my beloved tv screen. Pure joy.

I have known for quite some time that Yvonne De Carlo was a looker under all of that oh-so-spooky, oh-so-vampy Munster makeup and costuming.

Today I came across this pic of the lovely starlet in "Song of Scheherazade " (1947) She plays an exotic temptress which was certainly a natural action for this sublime beauty.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And it begins . . .

OK world - first of many pointless posts is this.

I have often been told by my friends that I should have a blog - mostly because they are so fashionable - and I am not - and perhaps the marriage of two so opposite would result in something especially new and spectacular.

I have much doubt in this assertion - but then my intuition has almost always steered me wrong.

As an example - why would I decide that the photo to accompany my first post should be an arctic octopus? It really seems rather irrelevant.

But yet I love it so.

My dear octopus poses so prettily - it is fantastic.

Though what we see as photogenic participation in this shot is actually the poor dear gearing up to push as far away from that damnedable flashing camera gadget as it can - and who could blame it? This is a picture in a series of shots from a newly exposed ecosystem in Antarctica. The previously protective ice shelf is no more thanks to changes in the warming patterns of the planet. Damn planet - always thinking only of itself - totally disregarding the consequences of its actions. Perhaps some day it will realize the selfishness of it's ways . . . . one can only hope.

I honestly do love this picture though - I think it is beautiful - and deserving of its placement in this my first of many perhaps thoroughly pointless and boring blogs.

I have truly become a complete being - a hoity-toity player in the grand cosmic scheme - for now I have decided that my ramblings require recording.

I blog therefore I am.